Funding Campaign

Annual Widow/Widower Food distribution and Support Program

Enoma Helping Hand Foundation's Annual Widow/Widower Food Disribution and Support Program.

Enoma Helping Hand Foundation has consistently demonstrated its commitment to supporting the less privileed in our society. Our annual Widow/Widower Food Distribution Program is a cornerstone of this mission

This Year's Goal:

We aim to reach several identified widows and widowers across numerous communities, providing them with: Food items (tice beans, pasta, etc), Household Essentials (soap, toiletries, etc), clothing and peronal care items.

Individuals, organisations and corporate bodies are all wecomed to support this noble cause through: moneary donations, food and household items donations and inkind volunteering services.

Please support this campaign and donate towards the project. Closing date for donation is schedule for month ending December 2024. This campaign allows donations via Credit/Debit card, Wallets, internet-online banking, banking Apps etc. as Enoma Helping Hand foundation is a registered NGO.

To get more information on the funding campaign and how funds are spent.

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